Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fledge Fest 2009 - Sidney Nest

One leg you say? Thank you Sidneboy!

Very wet young Robin... check out those mushrooms!

Fledge Fest group... others left to eat!

Our fellow chatters, left to right: Sidneyboy, Jammy, Lant_56


Parent in flight

Mr. David Hancock

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!


    I am a fellow Sydney ealget watcher, but have not signed up to chat... it's already time consuming enough!

    This is my first year watching. It has been quite interesting.

    I keep popping back... and only wishing for Tiny to make a return.... a flyby, a lovely squealing scream... but it's only the highly pitched chirping that greets me onscreen each time.

    I myself am into bear watching! Slowly I have converted the little family... I do have photos on my blog, but not this past month, as they have all but disappeared..

    I am glad that I caught this part of the chat to leave a note... thanks for posting some great pics!

    My blog:
